Yesterday (2nd May) was the international day against bullying. I think it is a fundamental issue and we, as teachers, should work on that with our students. They need to understand the importance of that topic, they need to know the consequences and of course, they need to know how they can facing a situation like that.
For that reason, I have prepared a lesson about bullying. I have tried to carry out a flipped lesson so, I have organised it in the following way:
- Firstly, I searched for a video on youtube and selected that I will include at the end of this post. I like this video because it is in English and the most important words appear in the written form. So, it is easier for students to follow it.
-Secondly, I have edited the video using Edpuzzle, in order to become it shorter and make easier for my students to understand the general message. Moreover, I have introduced some questions throughout the video, in that way, the children are a bit more involved as they have to answer the questions for carrying on with the video.
-Thirdly, as they have watched the video at home, I asked them some questions in the class to check if they really have watched the video and also if they have understood something.
-Fourthly, as the video is quite difficult, we watched it again in class and worked on some important vocabulary.
Once we developed all these previous steps, the students worked in groups of four. I gave a different bullying situation for each group and they had to think how they will react and expose some solutions for their particular situation. This part of the activity was in Spanish as my students don't have enough level to do that in English. In addition, they elaborated a poster including a drawing and some words in English to defend bullying disapearance.
Finally, each group made an exposition to show their works to their partners, and all this small project has required two hours and a half.
For me, it is the first time doing a flipped lesson and I have to say that, in general, it has been a good experience. The thing that I like the most is that students do the "bored" part at home and we can use the lesson time to deeply work on vocabulary and contents in a more active way, such as doing group works or debates.
On the other hand, the great disadvantage for me is that not all the students do this work at home, so they are lost in the lesson or they are slower thinking examples or finding solutions. Besides, there are children that don't have Internet so they cannot watch the video. In that way, I will try, for the next time, give them something in paper.
Even so, they shown me they were comfortable with this type of lesson as they like too much working in group so, I try to include it in my daily teaching routine.
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